Scitable by Nature Education

A Collaborative Learning Space for Science

As I paged my way through the most recent issue of Nature, I was intrigued by a Nature advertisement claiming “There’s new life in science education…  Online.”  A few minutes later, I navigated to the website advertised.  Here is what I found after a few minutes of surfing.


As noted at this new Nature website, Scitable is…

A free science library and personal learning tool brought to you by Nature Publishing Group, the world’s leading publisher of science.

Scitable currently concentrates on genetics, the study of evolution, variation, and the rich complexity of living organisms. As you cultivate your understanding of modern genetics on Scitable, you will explore not only what we know about genetics and the ways it impacts our society, but also the data and evidence that supports our knowledge.

From the main menu, or more conveiniently below the introduction, in a scrollable section, there are links to content covering the following genetic topics.  Each topic has associated articles (current number in the parentheses) and other subcontent.  Check out the first link to see what kind of information is available, and the FAQ link.

  1. Chromosomes and Cytogenetics (22)
  2. Evolutionary Genetics (13)
  3. Gene Expression and Regulation (35)
  4. Gene Inheritance and Transmission (25)
  5. Genes and Disease (38)
  6. Genetics and Society (26)
  7. Genomics (20)
  8. Nucleic Acid Structure and Function (29)
  9. Population and Quantitative Genetics (10)

Without registering, it appears that these free articles are all that is available. 

Otherwise after registering, faculty…

can build a free and easily maintained research site for their students.  We’ve created a simple 4-step wizard for creating a virtual classroom, or simply browse our library of articles.  Scitable provides trusted content from Nature Publishing Group and gives your students a powerful online companion to help them understand and appreciate key scientific concepts.

and students…

can use Scitable as a daily resource for term papers, exam prep and lecture follow up to improve class performance. You can ask experts questions on a variety of topics, browse our extensive library of topics, check out our glossary, or connect with like-minded peers to form study groups or take part in discussions.

Once you have registered, I look forward to seeing you at Nature

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